Silver-linings for when you can't travel.
Virtual talks with textile experts, academicians, and art historians to keep you connected to your favourite destinations. Free or cost-recovery. Limited group size hosted in intimate meeting format for excellent access to speakers.
The response has been enthusiastic!
"Wow. Yet another wonderful lecture. I have a soft spot for well spoken people, no verbal tics, a broad vocabulary, a witty streak, and passion. How come you know them all? Enjoying myself way too much." -- Susanne Staer
"Clear, well-organized, with enthusiasm and expertise" -- Mary Littrell
"I love your programs! They helped get me through the pandemic." - Grace S.
Next up
Pashmina - Kashmir's Golden Fabric and the Women behind its Creation

A celebration of pashmina's rich tradition, with women playing a crucial role in its creation. Women take charge of the delicate task of spinning pashmina wool, often considered a god-gifted skill passed down through generations. Using simple charkhas in intense concentration, these women skillfully turn the undercoat fleece of the Changthangi goat into the finest threads.
Master weavers bring the fibre to life. Their dexterous hands create intricate patterns (kani) on looms. As befitting the delicacy of the fabric, women embroider with tiny needles, either borders, boteh, or all over (jamavar). A masterpiece is created. Together, these artisans uphold the legacy of Pashmina, blending cultural heritage with extraordinary craftsmanship.
Thursday October 24, 2024 at 7.30pm.
Free with registration. Link will be shared one day prior.

Sweta Mukherjee is a textile facilitator and independent researcher with a deep belief in the science of archiving. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Museology and Conservation at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya in Mumbai. Sweta’s work revolves around documenting and preserving South Asian textile traditions, blending history with contemporary practices. Through her research and business, she commissions textile pieces from across South Asia, contributing to the preservation and innovation of traditional crafts.
Kanchipuram - Arts and Architecture

Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu was the city of cities, the city of a thousand temples. Dating back to 2nd BCE, it was an important pilgrimage and ancient university site. It was probably the southern end of Ashoka’s empire, where the first example of Tamil Brahmi script is found. Buddhism travelled from Kanchi to Japan and China, and early Jainism still survives here.
Importantly, Kanchi is a living textbook of the art history of Tamil Nadu. The most beautiful works of art and architecture of every Tamil dynasty are visible here, evidenced in the exotic, soft cottons and rich silk sarees of Kanchi for which Romans paid in gold.
Ahead of our January South India tour, this lecture will explore Kanchipuram's continuous 2000 year-old heritage representing every Tamil dynasty and creed.

Dr Nanditha Krishna is a historian, environmentalist, and writer based in Chennai, She has a Ph.D. in Ancient Indian Culture from Bombay University, where she was a Heras scholar. Dr Krishna has authored several books and is a sought-after international speaker. She has been awarded ‘Guru 2023’, ‘Award of Excellence’, Devi Award, Stree Ratna and Outstanding Woman of Asia. She was recently awarded the National Fellowship of Indian Council of Historical Research..
Past Events
Sep 16, 2024
The Maya have been a cultural force in Mexico and Central America for over 3000 years. Engage with the ancient Maya and present day descendants through magnificent rainforest archeological sites, visits to artisanal villages, and by celebrating at festivals.

Chloë Sayer
Independent scholar, museum curator
Apr 14, 2022
The Burmese Kingdom of Bagan
King Anawratha faced an uphill battle in 1044 but with help from Buddhist leaders and strong generals he forged a powerful kingdom in central Myanmar. The art and architecture of Bagan illuminates political and religious changes that came to define Burmese culture of the period.

Dr Robert DeCaroli
Prof. S/SE Asian Art History, G.M.U.
Feb 22, 2022
Book Talk: The Day of the Dead: A Visual Compendium
Mexico's Day of the Dead honours the departed with lavish offerings. The roots of this festival stretch back into the distant past. In her new book, Chloë Sayer traces cultural significance and visual legacy of these uniquely Mexican celebrations.

Chloë Sayer
Independent scholar, museum curator
Dec 2, 2021
Angkor Wat - City of God Kings
12th CE UNESCO Angkor Wat is an anomaly amongst Khmer temple mountains. Discover its purpose through the complex art and design of this massive religious complex.
Read about the Women of Angkor: Celestial or real?

Dr Robert DeCaroli
Prof. S/SE Asian Art History, G.M.U.
Sept 7, 2021
Kutchi Tie-Dyed Head Coverings
Tie-dyed head coverings are a constant companion in traditional women's lives, as a protection from the elements, confer identity, status, and a commentary on inter-religious relations. Hindu and Muslim communities share a common culture in this harsh desert land. Watch here

Shila Desai
Owner and Founder E.Y.H.O. Tours
April 1, 2021
Chettinad: Mansions, Culture
Hereditary Chettiar bankers built uniquely designed mansions of the finest from all over the world. Learn about this fast disappearing microcosm, its fascinating culture, arts and crafts, and distinctive cuisine. Read more here
Preview of upcoming tour of South India.

Meena Suppiah
Esteemed member, Chettiar community

March 16, 2021
¡Fiesta! Festivals of Mexico
Visually splendid and often extremely costly, Mexican festivals feature dances with richly embellished costumes and masks. Most important on the festival calendar is Days of the Dead. Celebrate the passion that is Mexico!

Chloë Sayer
Read about Chloe

February 23, 2021
Ready to travel? Read this first
A frank assessment of the travel scene ahead, including what to look for in cancellation and rebooking policies. Why E.Y.H.O.? Why small group, owner-led? Plus upcoming tours beginning mid Oct 2021. Watch here.

Shila Desai
Owner and founder, E.Y.H.O. Tours, and C.A. by training
January 12, 2021
Paint it, Black - history and culture of kohl containers
Since earliest times, kohl has been used to beautify men and women, ward off evil, confer status, accompany rituals and feasts. Using SW Asia's canvas, explore its remarkable history from Early Bronze Age to the present.

Jolanda Bos
Archeologist and dress anthropologist at the Univ of Leiden, The Netherlands
Oct 7, 2020
Vanishing Stepwells of India
India's least-known edifices are also its most marvellous. Unique marvels of architecture, engineering, and art, they proliferated throughout the subcontinent for over a millennium. Watch here

Victoria Lautman
About Victoria Lautman
April 5, 2024
UNESCO Rani-ki-Vav, built as a memorial to a king in the 11th CE showcases the height of craftsmens’ ability, silted for 800 years before discovery and excavation. Start with an holistic overview and zero in on the 1000's of exquisite sculptures for a commentary on religious, mythological and secular imagery of 11th CE India.

Nirav Panchal
Tour leader E.Y.H.O. Tours
Feb 22, 2022
Maya Heritage: Ancient and Contemporary Culture
The Maya have been a cultural force for over 3000 years as evidenced by their art, architecture, maths, astrology, calendrics and hieroglyphic writing. With this lecture, explore Maya culture ahead of our Fall Chiapas tour.

Chloë Sayer
Independent scholar, museum curator
Feb 16, 2022
The Silk Road: a historical perspective
Connecting three continents, the Silk Road was a pathway for the exchange of luxury goods and new ideas. More than just silk traveled these treacherous roads. Rare and valuable commodities made fortunes along the way.

Dr Robert DeCaroli
Prof. S/SE Asian Art History, G.M.U.
Oct 14, 2021
Borobudur- A mystery in stone
Little is known of the dynasty that sponsored the creation some of the most spectacular religious structures in the world, such as the spectacular and massive Chandi Borobudur. A contextualized walk through the details of its evocative sculptures. Read more.

Dr Robert DeCaroli
Prof. S/SE Asian Art History, G.M.U.
July 15, 2021
Phulkari Revival
Phulkari embroiders women's lives from birth, adolescence, marriage, childbirth to death. It survived Indo-Pakistan partition, but almost succumbed to machine copies and commercialisation. A mother-daughter duo revive original designs and motifs to breathe new life. View here.

Preeti and Mannat Sidhu
Fusion Phulkari
March 30, 2021
Textiles for the Head
When placed on the head, textiles serve very specific purposes, ranging from identifying the wearer’s ethnicity, geographical location, or life achievements; age, marital, or economic status; and religious affiliation.
Read more here.

Christine Brown
Anthropologist, Peace Corps worker

March 11, 2021
Mulberry Trees of Uzbekistan
The mulberry tree is crucial to the extraordinary material culture of Uzbekistan with an emphasis on its glorious ikats. Due to a technical glitch, Dana's talk was repeated June 3 (above) But you can watch the tour preview here.

Dana Davies and Shila Desai
Read about Dana

February 9, 2021
Medieval India: Religion, Warfare, and Two Strong Queens
Indian medieval warrior queens' contributions to religious harmony, the anti-colonial movement, art, and architecture. Clues to modern India through two strong queens - Sultana Razia and Abbakka Chowta. Read more.

Dr Joyce Salisbury
Professor Emerita, PhD Medieval History, Rutgers NJ
January 5, 2021
Stories in Silver : reading North African jewellery
Messenger, protector and bank account are roles traditional jewellery plays Travel from the steppes of Central Asia to the Maghreb to decipher the language of silver.

Sigrid van Roode
Sigrid is Jewellery Historian at the University of Leiden in The Netherlands
April 5, 2024
Stepwells - Architectural Masterpieces
Built by kings, queens, and commoners to access water since ancient times, stepwells invert the concept of top- up architecture. The mystery of stepwells; why and how they were built. Preview of Oct Guj-Kutch-Rajasthan tour. Watch.

Shila Desai
Founder/owner of E.Y.H.O. Tours
Apr 14, 2022
The Mughal Dynasty
Discover why the word “moghul” is synonymous with concepts of wealth and power. Starting with the first emperor, Babur, and ending with Aurangzeb, the focus is on imperial patronage for works commissioned by these rulers that also provide insight into their lives.

Dr Robert DeCaroli
Prof. S/SE Asian Art History, G.M.U.
Jan 27, 2022
Slip into a desert vibe ahead of our Morocco tour! This book will transport you to the blue world of the Tuareg in the Sahara and post WW1 Britain. A discussion of the writing process as well as traditions of indigo and silver jewellery. Watch here

Writer, editor, teacher
July 15, 2021
Ajanta Caves
UNESCO 2nd C BCE rock-cut caves of Ajanta, are a cross between monumental architecture and massive sculptures Notable not just for antiquity and religious significance, but also for spectacular artwork and ingeniously sophisticated techniques in its creation. Read more.

Dr Robert DeCaroli
Prof. S/SE Asian Art History, G.M.U.
June 3, 2021
In Uzbekistan, every part of the mulberry tree is used as food, wood, as a host for silkworms, and the pulp for generations-old paper making. Learn about its importance on design, spinning, tie-dye, and weaving of Uzbekistan's glorious ikats. View here.

Dana Davies
Trip leader, Uz. Read about Dana

March 18, 2021
Zellige: Tile mosaic of Morocco
Moroccan zellige is as intricate as jewellery. Yet Morocco's royal cities are lavishly adorned with zellige. Go inside enchanting zellige interiors, learn how it's made, and why it's a prized but dying art. Includes Oct 2021 tour preview. Watch.

Shila Desai
Owner and Founder, E.Y.H.O. Tours and zellige enthusiast

March 9, 2021
¡Viva México! Popular Art
Few countries offer such a rich and varied cultural heritage as Mexico. The arts and crafts of Mexico are a living force, not a nostalgic evocation. Dazzling colour and design combine Aztec, Maya and Spanish traditions. Read more here.

Chloë Sayer
Read about Chloë
January 19, 2021
Silver and Frankincense
Journey into the evanescent world of traditional Arab scent. Scent features in religious, personal, and social context through silver perfume containers, sumptuously scented paste beads, and fragrant clove necklaces.

Sigrid van Roode
Sigrid is Jewellery Historian at the University of Leiden in The Netherlands
December 10, 2020
Frida Kahlo and Traditional Mexican Dress
Frida Kahlo's iconic status lies in her flamboyant and courageous dressing style, an homage to Mexican indigenous cultures and an inspiration for designers and fashionistas the world over. Reading list here.

Chloë Sayer
About Chloë
November 2, 2020
Behind the Marble Veil
Royal intrigues, power grabs, and the real reason why the world's most beautiful building was built. A synthesis of latest scholarship on northern India's "exposed zone" and the Timurid connection

Dr Justin Jacobs
About Dr. Jacobs
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